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Join me for the first of a weekly series of short foraging walks, exploring various roues in almond park and the edibles we find along the way. Throughout the evening we will begin to build the basic skills required to identify common edibles as well as how to avoid poisonous & inedible lookalikes. Discuss how sustainability is an essential part of foraging for plants, nuts, fungi and fruits. Look at how wild food can become a complimentary part of a meal while being sympathetic to the environment around you, and why this is such a key part of the forager's philosophy. The walk should last ~1 hour and will recur most weeks throughout the year. Tickets must be booked in advance. Exact location of the walk will be confirmed via email before the event. Suitable for all ages with children welcome - individual or family tickets. Accessible via public transport and car parking near by. Block bookings are available at a discounted rate.

  • Date:17.04.2019 06:30 PM - 17.04.2019 06:30 PM
  • Location Almond Park, Livingston, UK (Map)