Join me for a foraging walk, searching for wild greens, botanicals and edible fungi. In the spring we will be sure to find the beautiful few flowered leek, wild garlic, explore the carrot family & could even find some monstrous Japanese knotweed. Summer walks will examine the carrot family in flower, as well as medicinals such as yarrow and plantain. In the autumn we will also discover fungi such as oysters, dryads saddle and giant polypore. Ambling through the trees and alongside the Almond we will explore how to make wild food a staple and the benefits of doing so - from the nutritional to the cultural and philosophical. Throughout the morning gather the basic skills required to identify common edibles as well as how to avoid poisonous & inedible lookalikes. The walk should last ~3 hours with the opportunity to stay a little later to ask chat and ask questions. We will meet outside the visitor center, where icecream and snacks are available. Suitable for all ages with children welcome - individual or family tickets. As we will finish by the playpark, this is the ideal loction for keen young foragers. Accessible via public transport. Under 5s are free to attend, and older child tickets are £5. To purchase these please contact me directly.

  • Date:05.10.2024 10:30 AM - 05.10.2024 01:30 PM
  • Location Broxburn EH52 5PE, UK (Map)
  • More Info:Almondell Country Park, meeting outside the visitor centre